Dowload the fvinternals cheat tool bugfix. Download the runtime files and overwrite the with the new
Reported bugs:
- some animal values are static (fixed: our fault, we forgot to disable the debugging line)
- password is rejected by facebook (not fixed: actually we need some example passwords to verify this. We assume, this is a unicode problem. Workaround: Change your facebook pass to non unicode password)
- Opening multiple mysteryboxes at a time (done! use --numEggs=<number>)
- Password typing every start is annoying (done! use can now optionally insert it as argument into the commandline)
- Place mysterygifts into the farm (queued)
Following line will use the commandline for password input and open 3 eggs on each login.
c:\FV\fvinternals_beta2.exe secretpassword --openEggs=mysterbox --numEggs=3
If you leave the password empty it will ask for it.